In regards to men’s health, urologists are the doctors you seek when experiencing urinary or prostate issues, as well as any problems that involve the male reproductive organs. Today we’ll be discussing common reasons men should see their urologist and why it shouldn’t be put off any longer.


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5 Reasons Why Men Should See a Urologist


1. Screenings for prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men. In fact, about 1 in 9 American men are diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point of their lives. Unfortunately, there are oftentimes no warning symptoms that you have this type of cancer before it progresses to more advanced stages. Because of this, it is extremely important to go to your yearly rectal exams, as well as do PSA blood tests once men reach 50 years of age. If you have a family history of prostate cancer, however, health experts recommend starting these annual screenings once you turn 40. Research shows that early detection of prostate cancer results in nearly 96% survival rate in a 15-year period. The sooner prostate cancer is detected, the sooner you can begin treatment and significantly increase the likelihood that the tumors will respond to treatment. With that said, do not skip any more health screenings!


Related: Cardiovascular Disease: Signs, Symptoms, and Prevention


2. Blood in the urine (hematuria)

Finding blood in your urine can be very alarming. There can be a number of reasons that can cause this condition. Hematuria can be due to kidney stones, an enlargement of the prostate, or possibly tumors in the bladder or kidneys. The most common type of urine in the blood is called microscopic hematuria, which can only be identified by taking a urine test during a health exam and examined under a microscope. While some possible causes can be simply treated and not considered critical, others may require immediate medical care. If you have noticed blood in your urine, or have microscopic hematuria, the next step is to see a urologist.


3. Erectile dysfunction

erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is very common, especially as men age and become more likely to develop other health issues. Anything involving sexual function can be a very difficult and embarrassing topic to discuss, but it is important to be aware that erectile dysfunction is extremely common and often very treatable. Make an appointment to see your urologist if you have been experiencing symptoms of ED, including trouble getting and maintaining an erection, reduced sexual desire, and having low testosterone levels. 

Dr. Pierce at Ageless Forever of Las Vegas has helped countless patients experiencing ED by using GAINSWave therapy to promote healing, growth, as well as optimize sexual performance. GAINSWave utilizes low-intensity acoustic waves into the genitals to trigger a series of biological reactions to repair existing blood vessels, stimulate the creation of new blood vessels, which in turn improves blood flow to allow better erection quality and performance. 


Request a GAINSWave Consultation with Ageless today!


Related: GAINSWave: A Promising Solution for Erectile Dysfunction


4. Kidney stones/problems urinating

Older men may experience urinary problems like going to the bathroom more frequently, slower/inconsistent urine streams, or pain from kidney stones. A lot of times, the reason for this is due to the growth of the prostate gland, and fortunately not usually a symptom of prostate cancer. However, it is still vital to address these issues with your urologist since they can lead to more serious problems later. Facing these issues head on can also help give you the peace of mind that you are being proactive about your health.


5. Vasectomy


A vasectomy can be a very effective and permanent birth control method for men who are certain they don’t want children or are done having any more. The procedure involves cutting or sealing the duct (vas deferens) that carries the sperm to the urethra (required to cause pregnancy), preventing the sperm to be released during ejaculation. Having a vasectomy does not have lasting effects on sexual performance or activity and can oftentimes be reversed. However, this procedure also comes with short-term and long-term risks such as selling, infection, blood in the semen, chronic pain, and fluid buildup in the testicle which should be discussed with your doctor before determining if this is the right option for you.


Discussing men’s health may not always be the easiest conversation, but it is necessary to get past the discomfort in order to tackle and avoid some potentially serious (and sometimes fatal) matters that may result if left unacknowledged. What was discussed above are only some of the reasons why men should see their urologist. Don’t put your health off any longer. Schedule your routine checkup with your urologist now! 


Learn more about Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) and other anti-aging services we provide at Ageless Forever!


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